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People are being left amazed after seeing what happens when you microwave a marshmallow

Jun 16, 2023

PEOPLE are being left shocked after seeing what happens when you microwave a marshmallow.

We all know that when you put the sweet treat by a bonfire it expands, but when you put it in a microwave it’s on a whole other level.

A man decided to see what would happen when he put a single marshmallow in his machine.

After about 20 seconds it had grown from normal sized to nearly the size of a whole plate.

The man’s mind was blown, with him adding on his @frankog19 account: “Never knew this about marshmallows.”

Many people were also surprised, with one saying: “That bag of marshmallows gonna last you forever!”

Another added: “Who needs to buy a whole bag of marshmallows, all you need is one LOL.”

The Exploratorium website gave an explanation about why it expands so much.

They wrote: “Marshmallows are mostly sugar and water wrapped around a bunch of air bubbles.

“As the air in the bubbles warms up, the air molecules bounce around faster and faster and push harder against the bubble walls.

“Since the sugar walls are warm and soft, the bubbles expand, and the marshmallow puffs up.”

The website advised you don’t heat marshmallows for more than two minutes, and shared what happens if you do overdo it.

Aside from it being very hot, they said: “If it puffs up too much, some air bubbles burst, and the marshmallow deflates like a popped balloon.

“When you take the marshmallow out of the microwave and it cools off, the bubbles shrink and the sugar hardens again.

“If you cook your marshmallow for too long, it turns brown or black inside. That happens when the sugar gets so hot that it starts to burn.”